Bill C-293 Seeks to...

Expropriate our land

  • “after consultation with relevant provincial ministers, a summary of changes in land use in Canada, including in relation to disturbed habitats, that could contribute to pandemic risk, such as deforestation, encroachment on wildlife habitats and urbanization and that were made”.

  • Since ‘changes in land use’ are not defined, this can be changes that alter rights and include the possibility of expropriation of land to ‘reduce pandemic risk’


Eliminate Meat Agriculture

  • “including measures to regulate or phase out live animal markets,”  Live animal markets are how beef farmers get calves to fatten.  Without live animal markets, animal agriculture is at risk”
  • “regulate commercial activities that can contribute to pandemic risk, including industrial animal agriculture”,
  • promote commercial activities that can help reduce pandemic risk, including the production of alternative proteins, and…”


Own Communication Tools, Infrastructure and Platforms

  • the communications capacity and infrastructure for electronic platforms and tools, including electronic applications that enable contact tracing of persons exposed to infectious diseases that could lead to pandemics;” this provision says “including” which means NOT LIMITED TO, therefore the owning of COMMUNICATION INFRASTRUCTURE FOR ELECTRONIC PLATFORMS, can be any grabbing of this infrastructure and is a worrisome provision.”
  • “the manufacturing capacity in Canada with respect to any product relevant to pandemic preparedness,”  regulating the Manufacturing Capacity in Canada is not defined, nor is relevant product.  This is a worrisome infringement on industry and has the potential for abuse.

Seize Totalitarian Power

Bill C-293 claims:

“One Health Approach – a multi-sectoral and multi-disciplinary collaborative approach that focuses on the human, animal, plant and ecosystem health and welfare interface…[is necessary] to prevent…the risk of future pandemics.”

Bill C-293 is a perpetual Emergency Act with no threshold to enter. It only has to:

“…prevent the risk of and prepare for anything that could lead to pandemics”

“Risks” and “Pandemics” are not defined.

It attempts to eliminate the jurisdiction of the Constitution by granting itself the mandate to:

“…align approaches and address any jurisdictional challenges…”

It purports to govern anything, anyplace:

“…Canadian activities, domestic and abroad…”




Read C-293

>Online<    >PDF<

Dictate The Economy

  • It attempts to eliminate the jurisdiction of the Constitution: “…align approaches and address any jurisdictional challenges…”

  • It is a perpetual Emergency Act with no threshold to enter.
  • Only has to: “…prevent the risk of and prepare for anything that could lead to pandemics”

  • It claims jurisdiction to:

    – manage “the manufacturing capacity in Canada with respect to any product relevant to pandemic preparedness,” regulating the Manufacturing Capacity in Canada is not defined, nor is relevant product. This is a worrisome infringement on industry and has the potential for abuse.

    – dictate the ‘working conditions of essential workers across all sectors,” Since essentials workers is not defined it can be any worker in any sector (also not defined) the working conditions can be any conditions they set.

    This is a worrisome infringement on employment, labour, union and self-employed persons and there is no limit on the possible conditions that may be set.

    Why should this open ended provision be permitted to stand?

Read Bill C-293

Read or Download the text of the bill…


>Online<    >PDF<  

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“VOTE NO to Bill C-293”

Look Up Your Senator HERE


Look Up Your MP HERE

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Speak to your representative and kindly voice your concerns.

It only takes 13 constituents calling to elevate the issue to “Emergency

“VOTE NO to Bill C-293”

Look Up Your Senator HERE


Look Up Your MP HERE

Take Action in 'One Click'

Email Your Representatives

Send a form letter to your MP, Senator,  and MPP in just ‘one click’.

to Bill C-293″


'One Click' Tips'

Selecting Your Elected Representatives

‘One Click’ is designed to make writing your elected representatives fast and easy.

When you enter your postal code all relevant elected representatives, including your local representatives, will be automatically selected for you. This includes: Senators, MP’s, MPP’s/MLA’s, and Ministers.

This will allow you to send one form letter to every relevant elected representative in just ‘Once Click’.

For a more customized message or to select just one representative, look up your your elected representatives below and send them a letter, email or leave them a phone message.

Look Up Your Senator HERE


Look Up Your MP HERE



Writing Tips

Sample Letter to Your Senator

Subject: Bill C-293 – The Pandemic Prevention and Preparedness Act

Dear Senators of Canada,

I am writing to express my deep concern regarding Private Member’s Bill C-293, sponsored by Nathaniel Erskine-Smith. The passage of this bill through its initial readings, with minimal amendment and without comprehensive committee review, raises significant alarms about its implications for Canadian citizens.

Bill C-293 poses a severe threat to individual freedoms and constitutional rights. As it is written this bill grants extensive undefined powers to public health authorities, global NGO’s and an unelected committee under the guise of pandemic prevention, potentially overriding personal autonomy, privacy, and even property rights. This legislation lacks safeguards against government overreach, a critical oversight given the numerous legal challenges currently underway against the governmental responses to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The bill’s broad scope could lead to mandates and regulations that do not account for the lessons learned from the previous health emergency, where both human rights violations and economic impacts were significant. Without having conducted any audit on the plans and actions carried out previously there is no assurance that future actions will respect the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms or the principles of the Canadian Bill of Rights.

Moreover, Bill C-293 seems to intrude into areas under provincial jurisdiction, undermining the structure of Canada’s healthcare management. This overreach not only disrespects the division of powers enshrined in our Constitution but also would create a disjointed and less effective health policy framework across Canada.

Given these concerns, I urge you to deny any further advancement of Bill C-293. You must ensure that any legislation concerning potential health emergencies is written with transparency, accountability, and respect for the rule of law. The government’s approach to future pandemics should prioritize the protection of Canada’s sovereignty, civil liberties, privacy, and bodily autonomy while maintaining effective health measures.

For the sake of upholding our democratic values and constitutional rights, vote against Bill C-293. Do not allow for a precedent to be set where emergency powers become a tool for indefinite control over Canadian’s lives.


Concerned Citizen

Any town, Any province

X0X 0X0

Sample provided from: is a civic engagement platform designed by Canadians to help Canadians write their Senators and House of Commons Representatives.

Tips for Writing Your Elected Official


Understand how your elected representative is responsible for the legislation:

Your Federal Member of Parliament

Your Senator

  • Will vote on Bill C-293
  • Bill C-293 is before them right now

Your Member of Provincial Parliament

  • Will not vote on Bill C-293 as it is federal legislation.
  • However, Bill C-293 claims jurisdiction over provincial affairs including healthcare and MPP’s should vocalize their objection to this power grab and fight Bill C-293 in court.


Personalize your letter to make it more effective, include your name and contact information, and clearly state your position on the issue.


Be concise, focus on one issue, and make your letter personal with your own experiences.

Fund A Campaign!

Campaign Fundraiser

Fund a Campaign in Your City!

Our Campaign Kill Bill 293 has three central goals:

1. To make every Canadian aware of clear and imminent threat of Bill C-293

2. To make every Senator, MP and MPP aware of Bill-293 and our opposition to it

3. To provide Canadians with the resources to make this campaign possible

With your help we can do an end run around the media and social media platforms and place a door knocker, postcard or business cards on 1,000,000 doors and cars and lamp posts across Canada.

We will flood the Senate with the sincere pleas of Canadians to stop the totalitarian take over of our beloved Canada and kindly remind them they have the support of Canadians to say NO! to a permanent state of emergency.

Donate Here


Questions & Answers

What can I do to help?

1. Go to and volunteer

2. Give to the campaign and help fund the printed materials & marketing costs.

3. Keep us and our country in your prayers.

4. Share the information about the campaign.

Where will my money go?

Donations can be allocated to sponsor a city or a province or you can donate to the overall campaign where your money will be put to work in the most effective way possible.

100% of proceeds fund marketing, production and distribution of materials and messaging

Where will any excess donations go?

Any proceeds in excess of our goal or unspent before the campaign is over will fund our next campaign to keep Canada sovereign and free!

Is your campaign team paid?

No. All campaign participants are volunteers. We are concerned citizens who volunteer our time and help fund the campaign.

How much should I give?

Anything and everything helps.

$10 can fund as many as 200 full color business cards.
$40 can fund as many as 1,000  full color business cards.
$250 can fund as many as 1,500 full color 11″ x 4.25″ door knockers.
$7,800 can fund as many as 100,000 full color 11″ x 4.25″ door knockers.

The more money we raise the more materials we can purchase and the better the volume discounts we can get.

When does the campaign begin?

Our campaign is underway. Anyone can download the printed materials online at and start distributing themselves. With private donations we have kick started the production of our first 10,000 door knockers and business cards.

Teams are signing up online from across the country, citizen advocates are spreading the word on social media and podcasts and our citizen street teams are hitting the ground running as we speak!

Donate now, or volunteer and get connected with citizen advocates and street teams in your area!

Be the fuel that keeps the fire of liberty burning in Canada!


KillBill293 National Street Team

God Save Canada!

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Bill C-293 "In The News"


Onward Podcast w. Brett Haws

Lawyer Micheal Alexander w/ Lawyer Lisa

ALL HANDS ON DECK! Bill C-293 is Horrific – Constitutional Lawyer Micheal Alexander & Lawyer Lisa on Bill C-293

Dr Drew Pinsky: Bill C-293

"In The News" - Video

CTV: Controversy with Alberta’s Agriculture

Rebel News Video : Lawyer says Canada's pandemic act paves path for totalitarian coup

Rebel News: Video: Lawyer says Canada’s pandemic act paves path for totalitarian coup

Canadian pandemic prevention legislation paves the way for government control and censorship while aligning supposed preparedness policies with global health authorities to infringe individual freedoms.

Its Jonathan Harvey: OTC #155: Bill C-293 - The Pandemic Prevention Plan

Rebel News Video: Protesters decry 'Pandemic Prevention and Preparedness Act' over increasing government control

"In The News" - Articles

Rebel News: Lawyer says Canada's pandemic act paves path for totalitarian coup

Rebel News : Protesters decry 'Pandemic Prevention and Preparedness Act' over increasing government control

Canuck Law: Bill C-293...Revisited: Concerns Raised Over Food Supply


